Pre -K Program
Kid's Place Learning Center combines the inspiration for learning in an atmosphere filled with love for each child. Our Pre-Kindergarten program is for children who will be four years old by December 1 of the current school year. We are pleased to partner with the Wappingers Central School District to provide Free UPK programs in two of our classrooms. In addition, families can have their child in a tuition-based pre-kindergarten program should they not be selected by the school district. We know work does not end when the school day does. To assist our families in meeting these challenges, we offer wrap-around programs with Before and After School from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm. In addition, we provide coverage during all school holidays, teacher conference days, half days, early dismissal, delays, and snow days. The program follows the calendar of the Wappinger's Central School District. Our Pre-Kindergarten program challenges students to think creatively, learn to be good citizens, and investigate the world around them. In addition to whole group instruction, children build upon their skills using learning centers. The centers include math, language arts, science, texture tables, social studies, art, and free play. During the “Morning Meeting,” students gather to welcome each other to the classroom and review the daily weather and the calendar. During Calendar, the children are introduced to the letter of the week and review job assignments. The classroom jobs help the children learn the importance of responsibility, waiting turns, and daily routines. Weekly themes are implemented to introduce Math concepts that build upon previously mastered skills. Science and Social Studies concepts are presented to the children as well. The UPK students also participate in special annual events such as a Halloween Parade, Thanksgiving Feast, Holidays around the world, 100th Day of School, Valentine's exchange, Easter Egg Hunt, and an End of the Year celebration.

Program Highlights

Math Concepts are introduced using a variety of modalities

Reading & Writing Readiness

Study of Communities, Customs, Traditions, and Map skills

Science & Nature Exploration

Instruction is delivered as a combination of the whole class.

Academics are enhanced through a monthly thematic curriculum.